My mom would always tell me “Some day that will catch up with you”.
Pizza, Doritos, Coke…yummy.
Senior photos-Class of 1991 |
College Graduation |
Then came college. I stayed active and attempted to run indoor track my freshman year. That was an epic fail. Fitness wasn’t really a focus of mine, I focused on my studies and enjoying the experience (and made one too many bad choices). I did however make a good choice and transferred colleges my Junior year. Eventually I found rugby and a little bit of fitness. My weight gain didn’t really begin until after college.
Cry, hate yourself, and eat some more!
October 1999 |
I married, divorced, and was trying to find my way in life. That “some day” my mom was referring to had arrived-I hate it when she is right! I tried Jenny Craig and a bunch of other gimmicky weight loss programs. My second time around on Jenny Craig I kept off 20 lbs. I eventually found rugby again. But I was still a big girl-bigger than I used to be anyhow. I did start to become fit through rugby but life was still stressful. Several failed relationships, uncomfortable in my own skin, and working a job I loved but a job that had me putting in some crazy hours. I knew I was depressed. I couldn’t snap out of it. I would cry at the drop of a hat. Not a good thing when you are on the administrative team. I asked my doctor for help, anti-depressants were prescribed. I requested counseling, I didn’t want to be on meds forever. I learned a lot from the experience. I started to figure out how to live life for me and tried not to worry about how my choices affected everyone around me. I lost a little more weight and started to recognize myself again but the real transformation didn’t happen till I threw caution into the wind and made the biggest decision of my life. I packed up and left my family and friends to live the simple life in New England. It was as though I had lived here my whole life. I instantly felt comfortable. I had instant happiness. I no longer needed therapy, no medications. I found great pleasure in hiking, photography, and exploring my new environment. I picked up mountain biking too. I tried one more diet-South Beach and lost another 10-20 lbs (I cant remember). I found rugby again. Fast forward passed a couple more failed relationships and bouts of sadness and self pity parties to when I found cycling. I was cycling and mountain biking and feeling better. Another couple years later I found running. I lost another 10lbs without even trying. My first 5k I won a trophy and it was all up hill from there. I was addicted to the challenge (and the bling)! Since I started running I have crossed a number of things off my bucket list-sprint triathlon, half marathon, marathon, 24 hour mountain bike racing, trail racing etc. Each year I set goals for myself. That is why I have that schedule over there ——>.
I seek challenges that make me physically, mentally, and spiritually strong.
Be Strong. Run Strong. No Regrets!