My prediction for 2015 described in one word…

1. the act of taking or receiving something offered.
2. favorable reception; approval; favor.
3. the act of assenting or believing:acceptance of a theory.
4. the fact or state of being accepted or acceptable.

One Word 365 challenges us to stop making resolutions and just choose one word. Last year I chose to go powerful and motivating with #ROAR. Looking back, I didn’t quite have the ROAR year I had hoped but at times ROAR described how I felt about and live life.
This year I had a number of ideas floating in my head. To be and feel strong is something I always focus on. Its my “thing” so I will not chose “strength” as my word. I threw around ideas like “just be” (not one word), “let go” (not one word), simplify, appreciate, grow …see a theme here? All are very calm and tranquil words. But all are words that seem to describe the direction I am taking my life. I researched the definition of the words, searched for synonyms to come up with single words instead of phrases. Nothing really encompasses the direction I am going. “Acceptance” is really the word I wanted to use. I wanted to use it but it’s so darn bland and boring. I also don’t want to give the impression that I am not motivated to move forward, change, and grow.  What “acceptance” does say is that I accept where I am in life. I can appreciate where I have been. I can be still and appreciate what I have. I can let go of the things I cannot change. I can also accept the choices others make and not let their choices impact my happiness. Physically, I am not where I want to be and I am trying hard to accept where I am and recalculate my goals. I still have the same goals but I need to accept that I will need to change the route I take to get there. I want to be more of a “go with the flow” type of person. I am almost there but there is that part of me that still needs to be “the best”. I want to be able to accept that I can still be the best version of me and not compare that to everyone else. I need to get over the fact that I might not be on the podium with an age group win every time. I need to accept that my fitness has fallen a few notches and continue to work on getting stronger, faster than I am now. I do feel that in all areas of life you need to first be able to accept what has happened and where you are at before you can decide to move on, make change, pursue, and live the life that you want.
#oneword365 #acceptance
